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Short: Summit Rock Café!

(Click here to jump to the recommended song, Hot Dog by Buck Owens!) Howdy, Rebels! Welp, I can't pretend to live in "Vague New England Location" anymore. I do, in fact, live in Connecticut. You can collect your bet money now. Just saying it for those who found me through the TV Tropes "Random Media" button. And yeah. just as I thought I wouldn't have material for a while, if ever again, the inspiration came CASCADING over me like a tidal wave of creative influence. Okay, maybe this hobby isn't so creative. But still. Summit Rock Café is actually a part of Summit Studios in Manchester, Connecticut.  Summit Studios, a music school, has been around since 1995 but moved to its current Manchester location in 2000. They opened their store, Summit Music Center, in 2012. The café is a very recent addition to the business, having just opened in June 2022. In fact, when looking up the café, all I found were news headlines about its ope