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Pineapple Cheese Sleuthing

Welcome to the rabbit hole.                                                                                                                       (Click here to jump to the recommended song, Jesus Lover of My Soul by Brigham Young University Choir!) In August of 2021, I went to a fancy cheese shop and ordered from the ever-intimidating "big girl counter" for the very first time. I didn't know what I wanted, so I ended up with four ounces of Appenzeller, some Gruyere with black truffles in it, and a cast-iron mouse I named Tony Squeak. The Appenzeller took some- sorry, a lot of getting used to. It smelled like cat pee and feet with a hint of jasmine. It's kind of a miracle that humans smell that and think, "edible". But then I got used to it. And boy, did I ever. I went from hating the rind, the smelliest part with all the mold on it, to actively seeking it out whenever I got myself a slice. You'd have to experience it