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8 Non-Christmas Winter Songs

It's officially December, but not everybody likes Christmas tunes. That doesn't mean you can't listen to winter music! Here's my ten cents in eight songs. Happy December, Rebels. Do you hate Christmas songs, or know someone who does? Are you throwing a religiously inclusive holiday party? Here are eight songs you can play for Christmas that technically don’t mention Christmas. I can imagine there are many lists like these, so I’ve given myself some rules: 1. I must write at least 100 words about each entry. Super meta, but if there’s nothing to say I won’t try to say it. This prevents me from throwing up a bunch of links and calling it a day, and means I have to get creative in both my descriptions and song choices. 2. If they’re non-lyrical, they shouldn’t be covers of lyrical Christmas songs or belong in a Christmas-themed setting. For example, Brian Setzer Orchestra’s Carol of The Bells is instrumental, but a cover of a song with Christmas lyrics. Cocoa from