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Showing posts from November, 2022

Moving to Neocities!

Howdy, Rebels! The Rebel Palate will no longer update on its Blogspot site. Instead, new posts will appear on the new Neocities site at So why the move? Neocities is heavily community-based. Much like Wordpress, all templates and external tools are provided by people who use the service. Plus, I like that I can edit everything manually. That being said, Blogger was a necessary first step. If I'd gotten onto Neocities sooner, I would have been overwhelmed and probably given up. Since I finally have a job, I may get the $5/month "supporter" membership. That would give me my own domain and more storage, among other things. This being a blog, it won't be long before I need the extra space. And yes, all of this means The Rebel Palate is officially back. I can't say much of my new posting schedule, because of my new job and my big project, but I will at least sort-of-ish try. I'm thinking to do a lot more short posts, and hopefully one &