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Showing posts with the label Gimmicks

Gimmicks (Ramble)

I have a love-hate relationship with marketing gimmicks, which sheds some light on how my brain works.   (Click here to jump to the recommended song, Santa Claus is Back in Town by Elvis Presley!) Howdy rebels. This is one of many times of year when we're bombarded by cheesy, tacky and sometimes slimy advertising. As a rebel, I don’t like corporate tomfoolery. I don’t like it when companies try to make you want something you never thought to buy. Especially when it’s supposed to “solve” an incredibly minor inconvenience that affects all humans for simply existing. I see things like this every time I walk into a store. Especially the “aisle of shame” at Aldi and pretty much all of Walmart. Unnecessary products with some “revolutionary new feature” that’s meant to make it better or easier or some other “er”. Honestly I hate the implication that someone’s actually buying those things instead of living their everyday lives th